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### OSINT Report on Anti-Cannabis Propaganda and Prohibitionist Lies

### OSINT Report on Anti-Cannabis Propaganda and Prohibitionist Lies **What:**   Anti-cannabis propaganda and prohibitionist campaigns are targeted efforts to discredit the benefits of cannabis and advocate for its continued criminalization. **Where:**   Propaganda is disseminated through various media channels, including news outlets, educational materials, and government publications. **Who:**   Campaigns are often led by government agencies, anti-drug organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and influential individuals opposed to cannabis legalization. **Why:**   Motivations include concerns over public health, cultural biases, economic interests, and ideological beliefs. **When:**   Propaganda efforts have intensified during key legislative debates or public health discussions related to cannabis. **How:**   Tactics involve misinformation, cherry-picked data, fear-mongering, and leveraging societal stigma associated with cannabis. ### SWOT Analysis of Anti-Cannabis Propaganda **St
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