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Fwd: #MissionEarth: Codifying Organic Laws to Save Our Planet


Marie Seshat Landry
CEO & Spymaster
Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Search For Organics

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From: Marie Landry <>
Date: Sat, Oct 14, 2023, 5:42 PM
Subject: #MissionEarth: Codifying Organic Laws to Save Our Planet
To: Prime Minister | Premier Ministre <>

**Subject Title: "#MissionEarth: Codifying Organic Laws to Save Our Planet"**


Hello, fellow Earth advocates and stewards! 🌍 It's time to embark on a mission of utmost importance, #MissionEarth. Our mission is to protect our world from the brink of ecocide, plant prohibitions, harm to animals, soil degradation, deforestation, and the ongoing devastation of our oceans. We're here to codify the ancient organic unwritten laws, the laws of nature, as the supreme law on Earth. It's not just about saving our planet; it's about adhering to the unwritten law that Earth should have always been certified organic. 🌱

**Mission Objectives:**

1. **Codifying Organic Laws:** Our primary mission objective is to codify all organic laws urgently, ensuring that the principles of nature and the ancient organic unwritten laws are recognized as the supreme law on Earth. This monumental step is a matter of urgency, resonating with the unwritten law that Earth should always have been a certified organic entity.

2. **Sister Mission: #MissionOrganicLaws:** In collaboration with #MissionOrganicLaws, we aim to create a comprehensive framework for understanding and adhering to organic principles. This sister mission will highlight the importance of codifying and respecting the laws of nature, ensuring that we coexist harmoniously with the Earth.

3. **HDCNS Production from Earth's Carbon:** To address climate issues, we'll transform Earth's carbon into Hemp-Derived Carbon Nanosheets (HDCNS). This revolutionary technology will provide solutions for environmental challenges, energy storage, and technological advancements.

4. **Addressing Plant Rights:** It's time to end the unjust drug and resource wars by recognizing the rights of plants. This mission objective extends to acknowledging the importance of plants and their role in ecological balance.

**Concise Intelligence Report:**

🌍 **Urgency of Codifying Organic Laws:** The urgency of codifying organic laws stems from the vital need to recognize Earth's status as a certified organic entity. It's a matter of adhering to the ancient organic unwritten laws and treating Earth with the respect it deserves.

🌱 **The Role of #MissionOrganicLaws:** The collaboration with #MissionOrganicLaws serves as a crucial step in promoting a holistic understanding of organic principles. It highlights the importance of recognizing and respecting the unwritten laws that govern our world.

🔬 **HDCNS and Environmental Solutions:** The transformation of Earth's carbon into HDCNS is a leap forward in addressing climate and environmental challenges. It has the potential to revolutionize energy storage and drive advancements in multiple industries.

🌿 **Plant Rights and Ecological Balance:** Recognizing plant rights and ending unjust wars on plants is an ethical step toward ecological balance. It aligns with the unwritten laws that govern the coexistence of all living beings on Earth.

**Business Plan:**

🌱 **Advocacy and Education:** Our business plan includes extensive advocacy and education efforts to promote the codification of organic laws. It's essential to raise awareness and foster understanding of these critical principles.

🌊 **HDCNS Production:** The development of HDCNS production facilities will be a significant part of our mission's economic plan. It's a step toward addressing environmental challenges and technological innovation.

🌍 **Sustainable Agriculture:** Promoting organic and sustainable agriculture practices is at the core of our mission's economic plan. It's a step toward ensuring that Earth is treated as the certified organic entity it should be.

**Legal Addendum:**

🌿 **Supreme Law of Nature:** Our legal addendum emphasizes the recognition of the supreme law of nature and the ancient organic unwritten laws as the guiding principles for our actions. It's about adhering to the principles of nature and ethical conduct.

🌍 **Certified Organic Earth:** We advocate for the legal recognition of Earth as a certified organic entity, treating it with the same standards of care and respect as any other organic entity.

🌱 **Plant Rights and Ethical Considerations:** Addressing plant rights and ethical considerations is a fundamental part of our legal addendum. It's about ending unjust wars on plants and fostering ecological balance.

#MissionEarth #MissionOrganicLaws #CodifyingOrganicLaws #SaveOurPlanet #UnwrittenLaws 🌍🌱

Marie Seshat Landry
CEO & Spymaster
Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Search For Organics


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