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Fwd: Subject: #MissionNWO: A Vision for a Plant-Based and Organic World


Marie Seshat Landry
CEO & Spymaster
Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Search For Organics

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marie Landry <>
Date: Tue, Oct 10, 2023, 6:24 PM
Subject: Subject: #MissionNWO: A Vision for a Plant-Based and Organic World
To: <>, <>, Francoise Blanchard <>, <>, <>, Michael Dean <>, Richard Forbes <>, <>, Minister Champagne / Ministre Champagne (IC) <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Prime Minister | Premier Ministre <>, Go public <>, <>, McKee, Robert (LEG) <>, <>, <>, TLDR <>, <>

[Subject: #MissionNWO: A Vision for a Plant-Based and Organic World]

Dear Friends and Allies,

I hope this message finds you well, and your spirits are high as we embark on a transformative journey together. Today, I am thrilled to present to you #MissionNWO, a visionary initiative rooted in the inherent organic right to plant life. It lays the foundation for a New World Order, where all plants are recognized as legal and essential components of our shared existence.

#MissionNWO is not just a mission; it's a paradigm shift—an acknowledgment of the inherent organic right of all plants, a right that has silently governed our world for millennia. This right proclaims the legality of all plants, each playing a unique role in our ecosystem. It also aligns with ancient organic human rights laws that ensure equality and fairness for all, including LGBTQ and racial equality, as well as the rights of our environment, plants, and animals.

**Mission Objectives**
Our mission is guided by profound objectives:

1. **Codify Ancient Organic Laws:** We aim to codify ancient organic laws, acknowledging the inherent organic right to plant life, as well as promoting LGBTQ and racial equality, environmental rights, and the rights of all life forms.
2. **Plant-Based and Organic World:** Foster a world where plant-based solutions are embraced, from agriculture to medicine, energy, and materials, all in harmony with organic principles.
3. **Peaceful Coexistence:** Promote peaceful coexistence among all life forms, acknowledging their rights and contributions to a balanced ecosystem.
4. **Integration with Existing Missions:** Collaborate with existing peace missions, including #MissionAntifa, #MissionAntiNazi, #MissionTrumpism, and others, to create a holistic approach towards a harmonious world.

**Intelligence Report**
Our initiative draws strength from the concept of ancient organic laws:

- Codifying these ancient organic laws aligns our legal systems with nature's rhythms and allows us to build a sustainable, organic future.
- Embracing plant-based solutions saves trillions of dollars, prevents ecological devastation, and paves the way for prosperity.
- Recognizing the inherent organic right to plant life reaffirms our commitment to coexisting with all life forms.

**Business Plan**
To achieve our goals, #MissionNWO will:

- Collaborate with governments, organizations, and individuals to codify ancient organic laws worldwide.
- Promote research and development of plant-based solutions for agriculture, medicine, energy, materials, and more.
- Leverage partnerships with other peace missions to unify efforts for a harmonious, plant-based world.

**Rights Addendum**
Our commitment to ancient organic laws encompasses LGBTQ and racial equality, environmental rights, plant rights, and animal rights, along with the inherent organic right to plant life. This recognition not only preserves our environment but also opens doors to a thriving global economy based on plant-based, organic principles.

As a collaborative effort by Marie Landry's Spy Shop ( and Search For Organics (, both privately owned by me, Marie Landry, #MissionNWO invites you to join us on this monumental journey.

Let us work together to codify ancient organic laws and create a New World Order that respects the legality and importance of all plants—a future of peace, prosperity, and coexistence for all.

Please reach out if you have any questions or wish to be part of this historic mission.

In unity and reverence for ancient organic laws,

Marie Seshat Landry
CEO & Spymaster
Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Search For Organics


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