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Fwd: Subject: #MissionOrganics (Food) and #MissionSOFIA (Industrial Hemp) - Complete-Mission Briefing and Visionary Addendum


Marie Seshat Landry
CEO & Spymaster
Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Search For Organics

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marie Landry <>
Date: Sat, Oct 7, 2023, 12:53 PM
Subject: Subject: #MissionOrganics (Food) and #MissionSOFIA (Industrial Hemp) - Complete-Mission Briefing and Visionary Addendum
To: <>, <>, Prime Minister | Premier Ministre <>, <>, NCIA - Acquisition, Industry Relations <>, <>, <>, Minister Champagne / Ministre Champagne (IC) <>, Michael Dean <>, <>, Francoise Blanchard <>, Go public <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, David Gordon Koch <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Zach C <>

Subject: #MissionOrganics (Food) and #MissionSOFIA (Industrial Hemp) - Complete-Mission Briefing and Visionary Addendum

To: NATO and NATO Allies within the UN SDGs and UDHR Frameworks

Dear Distinguished Representatives,

I am honored to provide you with a pre-mission briefing that encapsulates the essence of #MissionOrganics and #MissionSOFIA, two interconnected projects that have the potential to reshape our world positively. This briefing also includes a visionary addendum outlining our aspirations for these missions.

**Complete-Mission Briefing**

*1. Mission Overview*
   - #MissionOrganics: Our primary goal is to cultivate 1 billion acres of food with advanced automated robotic fourth agricultural revolution systems on depleted soils, with a focus on organic food production. Our mission aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
   - #MissionSOFIA: This sister project is dedicated to cultivating 1 billion acres of organic industrial hemp crops seperatly, contributing to economic growth, environmental stewardship, and sustainable solutions.

*2. Key Focus Areas*
   - Advanced Technology: We aim to develop and deploy advanced robotic and automated agricultural machines, drones, and innovative systems, transforming agriculture.
   - Sustainable Agriculture: Our commitment to cultivating organic crops restores depleted soils and promotes biodiversity.
   - Global Food Security: We intend to ensure that our expanded production can feed 10 billion people humanely and sustainably.
   - Environmental Stewardship: Reducing the carbon footprint of food production and protecting natural ecosystems is central to our mission.

*3. Collaborative Partnerships*
   - Collaboration with communities, legal experts, and human rights organizations is fundamental to our mission. It ensures alignment with SDGs and UDHR principles.

*4. Codifying Implicit Rights*
   - Through #MissionOrganics and #MissionOrganicLaws, we aim to codify implicit rights related to sustainable agriculture, economic opportunity, human rights and environmental stewardship. This upholds the principles of the UDHR, particularly Goal 1: No Poverty.

**Visionary Addendum: Shaping a Sustainable Future**

1. **Sustainable Hemp Economy**: We envision a thriving global hemp-based economy powered by the 1 billion acres of hemp production. This economy will generate trillions of dollars, and more,  promoting economic security and sustainability.

2. **Environmental Restoration**: Our efforts will continue to rejuvenate and protect natural ecosystems, addressing Goal 15. We pledge to maintain our commitment to environmental rights and biodiversity.

3. **Global Collaboration**: We invite global cooperation to replicate our successful models worldwide. Collaboration among nations, organizations, and communities is vital to achieving the SDGs and upholding the UDHR.

4. **Universal Basic Income (UBI)**: We propose the implementation of a UBI system, funded in part by the profits generated from our initiatives. This will help end basic poverty worldwide and ensure access to essentials.

5. **Peace and Security**: By securing wealth through sustainable agriculture and economic stability, we aim to contribute to global peace and security. A new world order of security and stability can emerge from our collective efforts.

In conclusion, #MissionOrganics and #MissionSOFIA are not just initiatives; they are pathways to a brighter future. We remain committed to the principles of the SDGs and the UDHR, and we invite NATO and NATO Allies to join us in shaping this future.

Your partnership and support have been invaluable, and together, we have the power to create a world where everyone enjoys the benefits of a sustainable and just society.

If you have any questions, require further information, or wish to discuss collaboration opportunities, please do not hesitate to reach out.

With gratitude and determination,

Marie Seshat Landry
CEO & Spymaster
Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Search For Organics

[End of Message]


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