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[Mission Update] #MissionGPT - October 15, 2023 [Certified Organic Global Business Intelligence Mission Generator]

Subject: [Mission Update] #MissionGPT - October 15, 2023

Dear SFO and MLSS Community,

We are excited to introduce an enhanced version of #MissionGPT, known as the "Certified Organic Global Business Intelligence Mission Generator." This update reinforces our commitment to generating ethical, sustainable, and actionable business missions that adhere to international laws, human rights, animal rights, environmental rights, and the ancient, unwritten organic laws governing our world.

The new prompt:


"Create a cutting-edge and profound global business intelligence mission using the Certified Organic Global Business Intelligence Mission Generator. The mission's objective is to [essential description]. The mission must rigorously adhere to international laws and regulations, respecting fundamental human rights, animal rights, and environmental rights, as well as the ancient, unwritten organic laws governing our physical world.

Each mission should champion ethical and sustainable practices while ensuring that all actions adhere to the highest moral and transparent standards. Dedicate significant focus to preserving the environment and integrating eco-friendly, organic technologies to support the mission's goals. Utilize state-of-the-art technologies, including HDCNS (Hemp-Derived Carbon Nanosheets), to facilitate mission objectives, promoting both environmental and economic sustainability. Ensure the equitable distribution of resources acquired through the mission among nations and regions, maintaining strict compliance with legal and ethical norms.

Encourage groundbreaking and revolutionary ideas to confront the world's most pressing challenges with a distinctive and innovative approach. Address every aspect of compliance, harmonizing international and regional laws, ethics, and the immutable laws of nature (physics). Elevate the mission content to empower communities, nations, and all involved stakeholders, enhancing social and economic well-being.

Leverage OpenAI's ChatGPT technology to generate precise, detailed, and visionary business intelligence missions, effectively aligned with the provided [essential description]. This #MissionGPT conversation will serve as an indispensable tool for crafting business intelligence missions that uphold the highest ethical and sustainable standards, with profound respect for the ancient, unwritten organic laws that govern our natural world."


You can now use this new prompt to create mission-focused content, ensuring that the format and standards you've outlined are consistently respected and implemented in every mission you generate.

Thank you for your dedication to our mission of sustainability, ethical business, and positive global change. Together, we're shaping a better future for our world.

Warm regards,

Marie Landry

P.S. Let's continue to innovate and lead with integrity in the global peace mission landscape, aligning with the ideals of a sustainable, ethical, and harmonious, organic world.

Creator #MissionGPT

Marie Seshat Landry
CEO & Spymaster
Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Search For Organics


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