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**#MissionNewBrunswick: Making New Brunswick, Canada a Global Certified Organic Powerhouse for Energy and Material Wealth Independence**

1. **#MissionNewBrunswick: Making New Brunswick a Global Certified Organic Powerhouse for Energy and Material Wealth Independence**
   - An ambitious mission dedicated to transforming New Brunswick into a global certified organic powerhouse. This initiative seeks to grow certified organic crops, with a primary focus on organic hemp, foods, and medicines, to serve military-industrial use, police and security forces, the transportation industry, and organic housing. It also aims to establish New Brunswick as the home of the headquarters for Search For Organics, a global organic powerhouse. The vision is to create a social media and search engine giant, a marketplace, an organic supply chain with certified organic convenience stores, warehouses, production facilities, and farms that respect animal rights, plant rights, human rights, and ethical principles, while achieving energy independence and material wealth independence through sustainable certified organics.

2. **Introduction:**
   - #MissionNewBrunswick is a visionary endeavor that aspires to make New Brunswick a beacon of global certified organic practices and innovation. This mission recognizes the importance of certified organics for multiple sectors, including military-industrial use, security forces, and the transportation industry, and aims to establish New Brunswick as a hub for certified organic solutions. It also sets the goal of achieving energy independence and material wealth independence through the cultivation of sustainable certified organics, including hemp.

3. **Intelligence Report:**
   - #MissionNewBrunswick is a comprehensive project that focuses on harnessing the potential of certified organic crops, with a particular emphasis on organic hemp, foods, and medicines. This initiative aims to create a global presence by making New Brunswick the headquarters for Search For Organics, a market leader in the organic industry. The mission seeks to create a social media and search engine giant, a marketplace, and a complete organic supply chain that adheres to ethical principles and respects the rights of all living beings. The additional goal is to achieve energy independence and material wealth independence through sustainable certified organics.

4. **Business Plan:**
   - To make #MissionNewBrunswick a reality, we will employ a multifaceted strategy, including the promotion of certified organic practices, research and development, and the establishment of a global headquarters for Search For Organics. New Brunswick's goal is to become a global organic hub, with a strong focus on sustainability and ethical practices, while striving for energy and material wealth independence.

5. **Legal Framework:**
   - #MissionNewBrunswick operates within the framework of existing provincial and national laws, advocating for the codification of certified organic practices and ethical principles. We aim to make New Brunswick a global leader in certified organic solutions, while also focusing on achieving energy and material wealth independence through sustainable certified organics.

6. **Conclusion:**
   - #MissionNewBrunswick is not just a project; it's a commitment to making New Brunswick a global certified organic powerhouse. By focusing on certified organic crops, the establishment of the headquarters for Search For Organics, and striving for energy independence and material wealth independence through sustainable organics, we aim to create a thriving hub for organic innovation, respecting the environment and the rights of all living entities.

With #MissionNewBrunswick, we embark on a transformative journey to make New Brunswick a shining example of sustainability, energy independence, and material wealth independence, leading the way in the certified organic industry while respecting the rights of all beings. 🌿🏢🌞💰🌍

Marie Seshat Landry
CEO & Spymaster
Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Search For Organics


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