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Title: Announcing HDCNS: A More Accurate Term for Hemp-Derived Carbon Nanosheets

Title: Announcing HDCNS: A More Accurate Term for Hemp-Derived Carbon Nanosheets

Author: Marie Seshat Landry, Marie Landry's Spy Shop


Dear Scientific Community,

I am Marie Seshat Landry, and I come to you with an important announcement regarding a remarkable material derived from hemp. For too long, we have been using the term "Hemp Graphene" to describe this material. However, this term is imprecise, unscientific, and misleading. After extensive discussions with knowledgeable peers on Discord and thorough consideration, I propose we adopt a more accurate and descriptive term: Hemp-Derived Carbon Nanosheets, or HDCNS.

The rationale for this change is grounded in scientific precision and clarity. Graphene, a well-known material, has specific atomic structures and properties that are distinct from the carbon nanosheets derived from hemp. By continuing to use the term "Hemp Graphene," we risk misconceptions and inaccuracies about the nature of this material.

HDCNS is a term that accurately reflects the composition and origin of these nanosheets. It avoids the confusion that arises from comparing them to graphene and clearly distinguishes HDCNS as a unique material with its own distinct properties and potential applications.

This distinction is not just a matter of semantics. It has significant implications for research and development, collaboration across disciplines, public perception and acceptance, and even regulatory and policy decisions. By adopting HDCNS, we ensure that discussions and decisions regarding this material are based on a clear and accurate understanding of its nature.

I urge the scientific community, industry professionals, and all relevant stakeholders to adopt this terminology. Let's give Hemp-Derived Carbon Nanosheets (HDCNS) the recognition and distinction it deserves, and move forward in exploring the full potential of this extraordinary material.

Thank you for joining me in this important step towards scientific precision and clarity.


Marie Seshat Landry
Marie Landry's Spy Shop


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