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Mega Intelligence Report on Interspecies Communication (2023)

**Mega Intelligence Report on Interspecies Communication (2023)**

1. **Greater Honeyguide and Human Interaction**:

   - **Study Overview**: A study highlights the interspecies cooperation between humans and the greater honeyguide in Africa. Humans use distinct vocal signals to communicate with these birds to locate bee colonies 

[oai_citation:2,Wild birds lead people to honey -- and learn from them | ScienceDaily](

   - **Learning and Benefits**: Honeyguides can learn different vocal signals used by various honey-hunting communities. This learning leads to a significant increase in the efficiency of locating bee nests, benefitting both humans and birds [oai_citation:3,Wild birds lead people to honey -- and learn from them | ScienceDaily](

   - **Cultural Variations**: The study, involving the Hadza in Tanzania and the Yao in Mozambique, observed different vocal signals used to attract honeyguides. The birds showed a higher response rate to local signals, indicating their ability to distinguish and learn from these community-specific interactions [oai_citation:4,Wild birds lead people to honey -- and learn from them | ScienceDaily]( [oai_citation:5,Wild birds lead people to honey -- and learn from them | ScienceDaily](

2. **Multispecies Methods Research Symposium on Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC)**:

   - **Event Focus**: A symposium brought together scholars, artists, and Indigenous Knowledge Keepers to discuss intuitive interspecies communication (IIC). The goal was to foster understanding and collaboration in research that listens to animals and nature for mutual well-being    **Keynote Speakers and Topics**: The symposium featured speakers like Anna Breytenbach, an interspecies communicator focusing on wild beings and conservation projects, and Joe Copper Jack, an Indigenous Knowledge Holder. Topics included the professional practice of IIC, decolonizing practices, and exploring IIC through animal perspectives [oai_citation:7, Multispecies Methods Research Symposium: Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) 2023 - Intuitive Interspecies Communication ~ Transformative Sustainability Education | University of Saskatchewan ]( [oai_citation:8, Multispecies Methods Research Symposium: Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) 2023 - Intuitive Interspecies Communication ~ Transformative Sustainability Education | University of Saskatchewan ]( [oai_citation:9, Multispecies Methods Research Symposium: Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) 2023 - Intuitive Interspecies Communication ~ Transformative Sustainability Education | University of Saskatchewan ]( [oai_citation:10, Multispecies Methods Research Symposium: Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) 2023 - Intuitive Interspecies Communication ~ Transformative Sustainability Education | University of Saskatchewan ](

   - **Themes and Discussions**: Presentations covered insights from animal advisors, IIC research, Indigenous teachings, and the lived experience of IIC. Discussions emphasized the need for radical shifts in human activity toward sustainable, multi-species coexistence [oai_citation:11, Multispecies Methods Research Symposium: Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) 2023 - Intuitive Interspecies Communication ~ Transformative Sustainability Education | University of Saskatchewan ](,of%20IIC%20through%20Animal%20Perspectives) [oai_citation:12, Multispecies Methods Research Symposium: Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) 2023 - Intuitive Interspecies Communication ~ Transformative Sustainability Education | University of Saskatchewan ](

3. **Eco-Translation and Interspecies Communication**:

   - **Concept Exploration**: A chapter in "Life in the Posthuman Condition" discusses the notion of eco-translation, combining it with interspecies communication. This approach aims to understand how different species might communicate and respond to climate catastrophes 


**Anthropogenic Climate Change Context**: The chapter argues for a broader understanding of translation in the Anthropocene, to include communication forms between humans and non-human animals, focusing on post-human modes of translation and interspecies communication.

This report synthesizes recent findings and discussions in the field of interspecies communication, emphasizing the increasing recognition of its importance in various contexts, including ecological conservation, cultural practices, and addressing climate change challenges.

Marie Seshat Landry


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