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Declaration of The Organic Revolution of 2024-2030: The Final Push

**Declaration of The Organic Revolution of 2024-2030: The Final Push**



At the threshold of ecological and societal transformation, we declare the years 2024 to 2030 as "The Final Push" in the Organic Revolution. This period is dedicated to accelerating the transition towards sustainable practices across the globe, with the ambition of not only achieving but surpassing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. This declaration embodies our collective resolve to champion organic advancements, ensuring a future where humanity thrives in harmony with nature.

**Article 1: Peace with Nature**

We commit to fostering a peaceful coexistence with nature, ending the detrimental effects of past prohibitions and conflicts, notably the war on drugs. This era ushers in an Organic Peace with Nature, recognizing the intrinsic value of plants and their right to biodiversity, ensuring a balanced and respectful relationship with the Earth.

**Article 2: Eradication of Non-Organic Practices**

From this point forward, we shift our focus from the suppression of substance use to the eradication of non-organic agricultural practices. The use of harmful toxins and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) will be systematically phased out, reaffirming our dedication to safeguarding the planet's natural state and promoting a safe, sustainable habitat for all species.

**Article 3: Mandatory Organic Standards**

By 2030, we mandate that all consumables, encompassing smoking and vaping products, comply with stringent organic standards. This commitment to purity and health ensures that every product contributes to the well-being of individuals and the ecological balance, reinforcing our dedication to a holistically sustainable lifestyle.

**Article 4: Calendar and Cultural Reset**

Recognizing the dawn of this transformative period, we advocate for a symbolic recalibration of the calendar year to 0 in 2030. This reset marks the beginning of a new chapter in human civilization, one rooted in profound respect for our planet and a shared commitment to a sustainable and equitable coexistence.


This declaration is a rallying cry for all global citizens to actively participate in the Organic Revolution. It is through our united efforts that we can sculpt a future that venerates our planet, cultivates health and well-being, and honors the diverse tapestry of life. The path from 2024 to 2030 represents our collective endeavor towards a sustainable world where peace with nature is not merely an aspiration but a tangible reality.

Marie Seshat Landry
Marie Landry's Spy Shop


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