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Fwd: An Invitation from Hemp Build School Masterminds - New Classes Begin in March

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Marie Seshat Landry
Marie Landry's Spy Shop

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: HempBuild Magazine <>
Date: Fri, Feb 9, 2024 at 12:53 PM
Subject: An Invitation from Hemp Build School Masterminds - New Classes Begin in March
To: Marie <>


Note from the Editor:

Enrolling now: Hemp Build School Masterminds provide a new high-quality resource taught by the top names in hemp building with new highly interactive courses.  

New classes begin March 1, 2024.

Hemp Build School Masterminds

Interactive classes online and IRL for professionals and owner/builders with US top hemp builders.

• These self-paced mastermind classes with live instructor check-ins are designed to save time and money and give you the tools on your path to building non-toxic, sustainable hemp homes.

New classes begin March 1, 2024

Enter coupon code "HOMEEARLYBIRD" for $30 off Homeowner course 
Enter coupon code "PROEARLYBIRD" for $100 off Pro course + jobsite workshop


Our Instructors

Our instructors are the best of the best in the US hemp building space. We will save you time and money, supporting your success in building your hemp dream home, or joining the hemp building industry.

Cameron McIntosh of  Americhanvre Cast Hemp

Step 1 Join the FREE HempBuild Community 

Step 2 Choose a Mastermind Class:

An invitation from Ray Kaderli, Hemp Build Network

Ray Kaderli for Hemp Build School Mastermind

Hemp Building Interactive Resource: Join our FREE online community.

Learn More


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