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The Great Canadian Organic Guide: Eh-splaining Certified Organics, 101

The Great Canadian Organic Guide: Eh-splaining Certified Organics, 101

Calling all Canadian eco-champions and health enthusiasts! Feeling overwhelmed by the organic aisle and its cryptic labels? Welcome to the club! But fret no more, this guide will crack the code of certified organics, making you a pro in no time. So, grab your toques (it's always organic education season, eh?), because we're diving into The Great Canadian Organic Guide: Eh-splainin' Certified Organics, 101.

Decoding the Lingo, Canadian Style:

  • Organic: Just like our American neighbours, organic refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. Certified organic products in Canada meet strict guidelines set by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) under the Canada Organic Regime (COR). These guidelines aim to minimize synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.
  • Canada Organic Logo: This is the official emblem for certified organic products in Canada. Look for this logo on packaging to ensure the product meets COR standards.
  • COR Certification: Similar to the USDA Organic seal, the Canada Organic Logo signifies a product has been inspected and verified by a CFIA-accredited certifier to meet COR regulations. The logo may include details like "100% Organic" or "95% Organic," indicating the percentage of organic ingredients.
  • Equivalency Arrangements: Canada recognizes organic certifications from other countries that have similar standards to the COR. These products may display their own country's organic seal alongside a statement indicating their equivalency to Canadian standards.

Canadian Organic Farming in Action:

  • Crop Rotation: Just like their American counterparts, Canadian organic farmers rotate crops to maintain soil health and reduce the need for pesticides.
  • Composting & Manure: They nourish the soil with natural fertilizers like compost and manure.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Similar to organic pest management in the US, Canadian organic farmers rely on natural methods like beneficial insects and crop rotation to control pests.

Why Choose Canadian Organic?

  • Supporting Local: Choosing Canadian organic products keeps your food dollars circulating within the country, bolstering local farmers and businesses.
  • Freshness, Guaranteed: Canada has strict regulations for organic produce transport and storage, ensuring you get the freshest, most flavourful organic products possible.
  • Environmental Benefits: Organic farming practices promote soil health, biodiversity, and water conservation, benefiting the Canadian ecosystems we cherish.


  • Imperfect is Pretty Good: Organic doesn't always mean "flawless." Trace amounts of non-organic substances may be present due to environmental factors.
  • Price Point: Organic products can sometimes be more expensive due to the increased labour and oversight involved. Consider it an investment in your health, the environment, and the hardworking Canadian producers who bring these products to your table.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

Armed with this basic knowledge, you're ready to navigate the world of Canadian organic products with confidence. Look for the Canada Organic Logo and explore the wealth of resources available on the CFIA website ( to further your organic education. Remember, every organic purchase you make is a vote for a healthier planet, a more sustainable future, and to support awesome Canadian agriculture! Now, that's something to celebrate, eh?


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