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Universal Declaration of the Right to Detox

**Universal Declaration of the Right to Detox**


Acknowledging the inherent dignity of all individuals and their right to bodily autonomy and health, we recognize the necessity for accessible detoxification services. Substance dependency, encompassing a range of legal and illegal substances such as alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, and addictive stimulants like sugar and caffeine, poses significant health risks and social challenges globally. This declaration aims to uphold the right to detoxification as a fundamental aspect of the right to health.

**Article 1: Right to Access Detoxification Services**

- Every individual has the right to access safe, effective, and humane detoxification services. These services should provide comprehensive support for detoxifying from harmful substances, including but not limited to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sugar, and caffeine.

**Article 2: Right to Comprehensive Rehabilitation**

- Following detoxification, individuals shall have the right to access rehabilitation services that offer psychological and social support aimed at promoting long-term recovery and preventing relapse.

**Article 3: Right to Prevention and Education**

- Every individual has the right to factual and unbiased information about the risks associated with substance use. Educational programs shall be implemented to prevent substance dependency and promote healthier choices.

**Article 4: Right to Non-Discrimination**

- No individual seeking detoxification services shall face discrimination on any basis, including the type of substance used or their social, economic, or legal status.

**Article 5: Support and Funding for Detox Services**

- Governments shall ensure adequate funding and support for detoxification programs as part of public health initiatives. This includes the provision of services in diverse communities and regions, tailored to meet local needs.

**Article 6: International Cooperation**

- States shall cooperate internationally to improve the quality and availability of detoxification services, share best practices, and support research and development in addiction treatment and prevention.

**Article 7: Protection of Rights**

- Individuals in detoxification programs shall have their rights protected, including the rights to privacy and personal dignity. Treatment shall be provided in an environment that supports the physical, psychological, and social well-being of the individual.


This declaration asserts the universal right to detoxification as integral to the right to health, recognizing the profound impact of substance dependency on individuals and societies. It calls for a committed, compassionate, and holistic approach to detoxification and rehabilitation, promoting a healthier future for all.

**Marie Seshat Landry**
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